11th Proficiency Test – Round 2 @ 42nd Chicago Open

On May 3rd, the new season of the Backgammon Proficiency Test began, and just three weeks later, on May 24th, the second round of the 11th Backgammon Proficiency Test took place at the 42nd Chicago Open.

The Chicago Open is a major event that attracts many backgammon enthusiasts every year, and the Backgammon Proficiency Test draws significant attention as well. Since the 4th Proficiency Test in 2014, the Chicago Open has hosted every Proficiency Test, making it the most frequently held event in the United States. This year saw a record 42 participants, including 8 women.

The test is based on situations commonly encountered in actual backgammon matches. Many of the problems challenge players’ strategic thinking and quick decision-making, which is why many players take on this test each year to measure their skills.

The highest score in this round was achieved by Gerry Tansey, who is also listed among the Backgammon Giants. He has now topped the Proficiency Test at the Chicago Open for three consecutive times.

The scores of all participants are as follows:

Rank Total score Total errors Name
1 39 1367 Gerry Tansey USA
2 37 2099 (Anonymous) USA
3 35 1783 Chuck Bower USA
3 35 2057 Frank Frigo USA
5 33 2173 David Klausa USA
5 33 2429 Frank Talbot USA
7 32 2236 Art Benjamin USA
8 30 2418 Craig Anderson USA
8 30 2789 Steve Hairgrove USA
10 28 2595 Richard Munitz USA
11 26 2944 Paul Swain USA
12 25 3133 Bill Lonergan USA
13 24 3325 Richard Stubbe USA
13 24 3368 David Habib FranceCanada
15 23 3011 Jimmy DeRosier USA
15 23 3249 A. M. USA
15 23 3698 J. H. USA
15 23 3942 Karen Davis USA
19 21 3400 A. S. USA
19 21 4211 Roberto Gaui Brazil
19 21 4644 Amelia Pascar USA
22 20 3367 Allen Tish USA
22 20 4135 Clinton Laird USA
22 20 4455 Kratz Robert USA
25 19 4093 David Himebaugh USA
25 19 4485 D. S. USA
25 19 4488 John Stryker USA
28 17 3873 (Anonymous) USA
28 17 4340 Jeremy Ly USA
28 17 4839 Greg Merriman USA
28 17 4911 Hakki Baltaci Turkey
32 16 4146 Brett Hemes USA
32 16 4385 George Kourdahi
32 16 5707 Carol Joy Cole USA
32 16 5735 Hannah DeRosier USA
36 15 4343 (Anonymous) USA
37 14 5223 I. M. USA
38 12 4670 (Anonymous) Greece
38 12 6008 Terese Flynn USA
40 11 5608 (Anonymous) Canada
40 11 5833 A. J. USA
42 10 6073 A. P. USA
Total 42 Ave. 21.9 Ave. 3847

Two days after the test, a review session was conducted by professional player Michihito “Michy” Kageyama. The session featured lively discussions among the participants and served as an excellent opportunity to deepen their understanding of backgammon, a sentiment shared by many attendees.

The Backgammon Proficiency Test has become an annual highlight at the Chicago Open, drawing considerable attention each year. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rory Pascar, the tournament organizer, Michy for his oversight and management on-site, and all the participants in Chicago.

For a list of the current scores of all participants, please check here. We look forward to seeing many of you participate in the next round.