7th Proficiency Test – Round 6 @ 2017 California State Championship

Gammon Associates held the 2017 California State Championship at the Hilton hotel during December 1-3, 2017. On the second day of the event, Masayuki “Mochy” Mochizuki (Giants #1 2015-2016) presented our 7th “Backgammon Proficiency Test”.

Saturday (Dec. 2nd)
8:30 am Mochy’s PROFICIENCY EXAM (allow 60 minutes)
(Answers Seminar on Sunday morning)

Sunday (Dec. 3rd)
8:30 am Mochy + Phil lecture “Answers to the EXAM”
(See the official brochure)

This was the first time our test was held in California, and we are grateful to have been given this opportunity.

There were 23 entries for the test. While it might be the first time for many of the participants to take it, Bob Wachtel, who is also Giants #12, got the top score with 39 points (out of 50). Based on the number of correct answers, he currently ranks third among them all. You can see the overall results of the 7th test as of now here.

Their scores are as below:

Rank Total score Total errors Name
1 39 1078 Bob Wachtel USA
2 31 2050 (Anonymous) USA
3 30 2202 Art Benjamin USA
4 29 2202 Tom Tseng USA
4 29 2718 (Anonymous)
6 25 2694 N. M. USA
6 25 3639 Ray Spehar USA
8 23 3663 (Anonymous) USA
9 21 3883 Richard Siebold USA
9 21 4189 Z. F. USA
11 20 3549 M. H. USA
11 20 3744 Brad Vogt USA
11 20 3932 F. B. USA
14 18 3776 Paul Mangone USA
15 17 3975 L. P. USA
15 17 5018 C. B. USA
15 17 5179 Mark Astemborski USA
15 17 5429 D. H. USA
19 14 5366 Bob Covrtney USA
20 13 4523 D. G. USA
21 11 5452 Mike Graham USA
22 10 5088 S. S.
23 9 5856 Cecilia Pedroza USA
Total 23 Ave. 20.7 Ave. 3878

Thank you very much for joining us! 😉